IMPORTANT SHIPPING NOTICE: All international shipping has been placed on hold while we negotiate rates with shipping carriers.


First and foremost, our priority is the health and safety of employees and our customers. Strategies to make full use of social distancing and strict rules on PPE have been set up.

What does this mean for you?


Goods and our premises:

Upon stock arrival all products are wiped down with disinfectant before entering our storage room. 

All products are stored in a clean, cool and humidity-controlled environment.

Utmost care is taken when packing boxes. Masks and gloves are worn and again each product wiped with disinfectant before being placed in the packaging for delivery.

SA2EU are proud to to say we are registered with the Sanitary Registry of Companies and Food RGSEAA, whose purpose it is to protect public health and the interests of consumers. We follow all procedures and guidelines set out within the Spanish food and sanitary regulations.